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Issued the "presidency" in Syria Decree No. 18 of 10.8.2016 containing the amendment to certain paragraphs of the Legislative Decree No. 117 of 1961, in terms of fees from the buyer updated when you sign the sales contract as well as to modify the mortgage contract or insurance fees by instead set out as follows according to the site "Business 2 Business Syria" See it

Where it was identified 25% of motor vehicles by the year of manufacture of 1980 and lest.

20% mechanism for vehicles manufactured from the year 1981 to 1990.

15% of motor vehicles by the year of manufacture from 1991 to 2000.

12% mechanism for vehicles manufactured from the year 2001 to 2010.

10% mechanism for vehicles manufactured from the year 2011 and beyond.

The ratio of the allowance when you sign a mortgage or insurance contract amounts to 2% charged to the creditor, while relieved mortgage contract or insurance from the drawing decoder.

Referred to as the vacuum motor fee in Syria before this decree was one ratio or cut off, while now through five categories,